Separate names with a comma.
It's a non-refundable income tax credit so you still have to pay at least $109,000 + 7500 + fees/taxes up front. If you happen to earn at least...
I think the Prius driven by the main character in Lie to Me last season is now a 2010 model.
Other than SUV owners, I'm not aware of anyone getting killed because their vehicles didn't handle well. Any increased risk of an accident due to...
Patents can be taken under the takings clause of the Constitution, just like land. In fact, the government threatened to do so during the anthrax...
Initial or apparent quality is only important when you're renting a car.
This water car thing is almost as hyped up as diesels.
Don't forget ULSD and US gallons. Those European cars seem to lose a lot of fuel economy when they bring them over here. The 2009 Jetta TDI went...
My apartment garage has a garage door opener and thus an electric outlet. I use it to power my block heater. When I was at school, there were...
The authors of the articles have persuasive reasoning and are more qualified than you. Your paranoid rantings aren't very compelling.
These two articles basically dispel the speculators/speculative bubble myth: Big fund money and its effect on oil markets - May. 16, 2008 Bits...
The other problem with the initial "experiment" is that the cars should have been driven at the same time in the same manner in the same...
Energon cubes: [IMG]
OPEC hasn't been a functioning cartel for a long time now. There's enough non-OPEC oil production out there to convince its members to cheat even...
Decreasing demand doesn't guarantee that prices will go down. It just means that prices aren't as high as they otherwise would be.
Ironic that you should say so since this thread started in response to a rather elaborate rigged contest between a diesel and hybrid. I don't see...
Here's another point to ponder. Why are diesel fanboys so threatened by hybrids? Is it because their non-gasser niche is threatened by vehicles...
There is a vocal minority of diesel fanboys that will take any opportunity to preach about diesels. Even on non-automotive forums that I frequent....
I think next week's Mythbusters addresses drafting trucks.
I drove from Denver to Dallas and back last week and did a fair amount of drafting. The entire front of my car is covered with 3M paint protection...
I've noticed the same thing each time gas prices were high. I thought I was imagining things but I guess it's not just me.