Separate names with a comma.
An afterthought: If I want to sell the car, what kind of doc/information about the used engine I need to give to the buyer? This is what shows on...
well noted. I will put a reminder note in my car. Is there a way to tell the mileage of the used engine and if it is JDM or US ones?
What Is The Most Common Mileage For Toyota Prius Head Gasket Failure? | Torque News the research shows the head gasket failure starts around 100K...
Appreciate all the inputs. An update: I picked up the car this morning. Driving back to home (~15miles) was very smooth. I felt no difference as...
thanks, but it is 80 miles away from where I live.:cry:
Thanks for the information. Today I found a local shop here in San Diego that will do the motor swap with a JDM engine about 60K mileage. The...
thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks for all the replies. @rjparker @JC91006 @Mendel Leisk @BiomedO1 @bisco The comments are much appreciated. I am not a car DIYer as you...
yes, I am in SoCal. I have been to the dealership since I bought the car, all were regular maintenance and some brake replacement. I trust them...
Thanks for the reply. What you explained makes sense (dealer doesn't want to tear down the engine to find parts other than gasket are damaged...
Hi Folks, I have 2011 Pricus. Past Thursday, the engine light went on, and the car sputtered when driven at certain speed. Took it to...