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Jump on it! My 2013 Prius has 302k and is purring like a kitten. I had the head gasket replaced about 50,000 miles ago for less than 1500 bucks...
My 2013 Prius is approaching 278K. I had my head gasket replaced about 10,000 miles ago and now it runs perfect again! I had coils, plugs, new...
266k and car runs beautifully!
Why is this? Slightly faulty factory head gaskets that lead to problems down the road but no major problems until around 200K? I ponder......
Coolant level steady. Now it burns NO oil as well and yesterday after driving 150 miles, I averaged 52 MPG. Car is driving better now than it...
No rough start, no shudder on acceleration. Why does it seem on the brink a rough start though fairly often?
Yes. Despite the problems, they are built to last!
No rough start this morning.
Just a quick psst yesterday after driving all day. Tonight, I didn't release the pressure. We'll see tomorrow morning if it's rough or not.
Yes, the the head was machined. Not a big oil burner, Maybe a quarter of a quart for three weeks was what I was adding. For the last Thousand...
I got a great deal. Head gasket and water pump replaced for 1,500.
Rough starts did happen during the 230,000 miles that I drove the Prius, but they were infrequent. We shall see... No shutters on acceleration so...
Should I just make sure to release the pressure everyday after I shut it down for the night?
I have a 2013 Prius with 261 k. I am an Uber driver in Chicago. After many rough starts and shuddering on acceleration from stop lights, I finally...