Separate names with a comma.
How long did this car last?
So I just need an actuator on the break pedal and one in the gas pedal of the rear car that mimic the movements of the gas and brake pedals of the...
There are a million possible very successful ways to do what I wish to do including very many oh so very clever implementations of string and...
Separate vehicle will be registered when I buy it. I'll have my cars tow each other how ever I want by golly I'm not manufacturing any new...
So I need an actuator on the brake pedal of the rear car that mimics the movement of the brake pedal of the front car. I found a great maker space...
So using this picture as an example. If the car in front was a Prius and in the back part of this rear shell was another Prius and the middle part...
I have four 310 ah lifepo4 cells in the floor board of the Prius now. Those will be the majority of my power. I still need the bms and I'll going...
They will be rigidly joined together thru some kind sort of quick connect hitch mechanism that I find on the internet and buy or build and weld...
The battery is for house power since my Prius is a house that just has a different front yard every day. I have refrigerator and microwave and...
What i really need to know is what signal can i send to what part that will make the rear car think I'm pushing it's had pedal exactly like I'm...
I hope steering won't be an issue since I'll fasten the two cars together into one unit by welding to the frame some sort of quick connect hitch...
Hello more purty peepz! I need to know, hypothetically of course, if I we're to have two Priuses connected together and I ran a wire from where...
Happy New years everybody. I ordered a crap load of flexible solar panels cover my gen 3 with. I want to run the AC off solar so I don't have to...
That's the one I ordered.
I was getting obsessed with just verifying it's working. I've been stalking it all day and just now caught it drawing in air rapidly into the...
Ok so I realize the fan probably doesn't come on until the battery is at a certain temperature and after fondling the hv battery as much as I dare...
Ok so I changed my fan after being broken down in Little Rock for a week waiting for it. So now I'm paranoid about the new fan now working. I keep...