Separate names with a comma.
Interesting, yeah that makes sense to me. Hey, as long as it's not an issue anymore, I'm happy. Now to get my aftermarket cat to stop throwing...
In case anyone else is reading this, I think my problem is solved. My hybrid battery was going bad, and when I swapped it for a Nexcell lithium...
As valuable and relevant as this discussion of international politics is... I want to share that I've finally installed my new Nexcell pack in my...
Oh okay, but the main shipment hasn't been made available for order yet? The ones arriving early June. I was told they'd be available to order 2...
Are you talking about the V2 upgrade kit for $80 or the actual lithium cells kit? I have been checking daily for weeks now and patiently waiting...
Another thought occurred to me. A couple months ago I had to replace the inverter coolant pump as it had failed completely. It seemed to work back...
Is there any way this could be related to an isolation fault in my hybrid battery? My hybrid battery has always been missing the thin little...
Is that the smaller orange high voltage connector at the front left of the inverter? And how would it be related to this problem exactly?
Forgot to mention I did that as well a while back. Fully drained and refilled using a hand pump, till it reached the level of the fill hole. No...
Thanks, although I have replaced the inverter twice (which involves reconnecting and re-torqueing all the inverter connections), and I have...
I have this EXACT problem on my 2005, exact same code and subcode, exact same behavior. I have already replaced the inverter/converter twice, if...
So apparently the Prius calculates module voltages in an advanced way that I do not understand. I previously thought it would take each pair of...
The freeze frame data shows all voltages normal (within half a volt) except module 1, which is sometimes as much as 1.5v higher or lower than the...
An update: The problem is still here, no change whatsoever. While driving, at seemingly random times, codes p3000 and p3013, with no other hybrid...
That's what I mean by surging higher: the voltage is higher when discharging and lower when charging. Which is expected. I am counting from...
This is an aftermarket battery pack from newpriusbatteries, each block is one module. There are 14 modules, each with twice the voltage of a...
4 years ago, I installed a NewPriusBatteries kit in my 2005 Prius. I've since put close to 60,000 miles on it and the modules had held up strong,...
Finally got the P0A7A while driving on Christmas Eve. Hooked up Techstream and it's sub-code 325. Seems like there are some wiring tests to do...
I did the whole Techstream bleed procedure today. Brakes are unchanged, and I think I actually can hear a hint of that characteristic little...