Separate names with a comma.
Cat replaced. Error and engine light are gone. Lets see how long this one lasts
Thanks. Fuel trims are around 2.5 (long term) and short term varies from -4 to +4. No leaks, and i believe no misfires. I am inclined to go for...
Hello, I have similar data in torque pro and also p0420. Did replacing the cat solve this?
In my case they didnt, as they only cut the cat further back. Is there any indication that the sensors are bad based on the data above?
It was working fine for 6 or 7 months since i installed it
I believe They are all the originals oem
Hello everyone. Trying to diagnose p0420 here. It seems to point at failed cat (it is aftermarket). However, reaseaching this i found that the...
Thanks for all the replies, very informative. This could certainly be a factor as i do a lot of short trips/cold starts
Thanks. Could be that, but still surprised by the impact it has. Wont bother touching anything, i can live with this rate of burning
Follow up: it turns out one of the modules was bad but voltage only droped sneakly under severe load (full throttle or ev driving). Replaced that...
Hello everyone. 05 prius with 350k km Noticed something curious about my prius burning oil. Whenever i change the oil (fill to about 75%...
thanks for your input Simply the case metal, i have seen new-ish batteries and the metal looks more shiny, this one did have a more "scratched"...
posting this one from a similar thread. Can anyone help me identify the year of this module?
I have something that is bending my mind. I saw for sale a battery pack with the following ref H255VAK... So if i understand correctly: letter...
Follow up: new wire frames and nuts (all OEM), seems to have solved it. In the first few days after the repair it was still having the issue, im...
1 month for toyota to get the parts (nuts are out of stock). If anyone in europe knows where i can find them (part 9291-47011) it is highly...
Thanks again for your replies unfortunately i didnt record a trip before opening the battery, but here is attached a report from hybrid assistant...
Checked ecu, no signs of corrosion. Do you guys think it can be the nuts on the terminals? They are quite black-ish, seems they lost the coating.
Ok thank you, will try to remove the ecu and check
searching the forum for possible issues i found this, and i noticed that my nuts are the old version (the left One on the picture). Does anyone...