Separate names with a comma.
Hi I'm looking for a tool to hold the harmonic balancer in place while I torque it to spec I found this on Amazon but I'm not sure if it will fit...
I think I got it I resealed the cover and put fluids in and it looks like it's holding. I threw everything back together and turned the car on....
So I got the fluids drained and got the engine mount and cam cover back off... I rotated the engine to TDC where the timing marks align again. I...
The timing cover is leaking in at least two places near the top in the back and at the bottom. There is also a coolant leak somewhere over by the...
I finally got it all back together and fired it up today with a couple issues. I'm definitely leaking a little my sealant application was uhh...
Okay the shop fixed it and I threw the head back on. Working on the timing now. The chain gave me all kinds of trouble but I got it all back...
Schematics schematics okay it looks the part number in question is 11434J looks like there are supposed to be two in the block I can't find a...
That's what I assumed but as I said I tried for a long time to get them to slot together even broke out a mirror and had help. If they ever did...
So I got the head back from the shop but there are these two male pipes that three hours of fiddling tell me they definitely don't fit together in...
Woops! I think I messed up the timing :p I found a good timing video that makes me fairly confident I can put it back together right just one...
Update!! Pulled out the head gasket! (A lot happened so I'll just summarize it here.) Inspected connecting rods all good! Measured block (This...
Update: Finally got the expected funds sorted I'm going to try and finish up disassembly this week before my paycheck Thursday. Removed water...
Bigggggg Update! Soooo it's been a while I've been slowly collecting parts and tools and I just restarted this past week but I've made a ton of...
HOLD UP OP You probably didn't depressurize the fuel system right... "To depressurize the fuel system, find the wiring harness to the fuel pump...
Long story short engine go boom, Toyota wants 4500$, I want a million dollars, to escape the rental market, and to quit work forever. So...
After turning the Prius on does ignition-on stay high or is it just a pulse?
Hello, I work as a delivery driver and frequently forget to turn off my car when getting out which results in my Prius screaming at me so I...