Separate names with a comma.
electronic throttle control system apparently
Hi all and thanks for your help. Prius has risen from the ashes and lives to drive another day. All in all the Fusible Link, ETCS and Dome fuses...
thanks gerrymildred-thats what I thought but got confused with the camera mirror image debate. its good to be sure. hi DMAndy. I just connect...
Hi Chapman F, thanks for the heads up. I took a photo (not with the selfie camera) and i removed, checked and replaced all the fuses one by one,...
I checked all the fuses one by one, all back in the right slots. I had two blown in the engine bay and replaced them. now there is no sign of life...
Thanks everyone for the useful responses. Just to answer a few of the points; -i'm in Derry, Ireland -mileage is 186000 miles -the car was jumped...
Hello there, I'm new to this forum, thanks for sharing all your info, would appreciate your input on this; I had to jump start my prius (2007)...