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I’m going to get the combination meter fix first then get the my Hybrid battery and my cooling fan fix my mechanic will install the hybrid battery...
So I found this on the combination meter Prius Speedometer Replacement
So what are my options?
I have a code scanner I bought about from autozone about two years ago.
I did press the button for 4 seconds and the car turned off. So next options where to get the hv battery and combination meter and cooling fan fix
I have changed the 12V battery 12.60V OFF 14.59V ON but the car won’t turn off still even with the 12v Disconnected.
Where do u live. Washington state?
Thanks for the information but what about my combination meter and my tires and the cooling fan and my gateway ECu? What do I do about them? I...
I will change the 12V today. Yes they are my Voltages for my hv battery my mechanic gave them to me. Remember the 04 Prius sat for 4 months
I have a Prius Red With 369,610 Miles So The Prius sat from May 9th To September 14th so 4 months. I when to start up my Prius and nothing dead. I...