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The thing that corrected it was disconnecting the ecu and reconnecting it
Update but not really... Dealer had it about a week but it didn't replicate the issue (they put about 1 1/2 miles on it). Toyota wouldn't open a...
Dealer said no signs of rodents. I didn't check the ground cable, but presume they did. The tech has a prius and is supposed to be very...
How did it get hit by an emp? Was it able to recover to act normal after or did it stay dead until it was repaired?
No rain, somewhat warm but not the excessive heat. No hard road bumps or debris.
Tested at the clamps which looked tight. I did not ha e the pink stuff on though. What would be odd about that is that the computer started fine.
It has 64k on the clock and the extended warranty. They were thinking maybe a loose connection as the only explanation but were running more...
They texted me the printouts of the diagnostics this morning, their communication has been excellent at least. Codes: U011087, U019387, U129387,...
Just a small update: -Dealer saw the issues -While running tests they connected/disconnected various things -Saw some computer related codes -Car...
I agree, I kicked myself for not slapping the obdii reader on it.
Anything is possible. It wasn't like when the old battery died though, so I don't think it is the 12v but you never know. It got plugged in...
I just hooked a voltmeter to it and got 12.6v. All internal screens and such worked normal and I just replaced the battery in May.
Hi everyone, I have a 2017 Prius Prime Advanced that wouldn't start. I came home from a 250 mile drive last night, plugged in the charger, and...
I rarely use charge mode. I did use it extensively on a few long road trips in the south. I would charge it to the 80% and then run the car in...
I havent had quite this scenario, but I have had the car suddenly decelerate when passing a semi from the cruise being engaged. The semi did not...
Doesn't the radio mute and and alert beep with auto braking is engaged?
I got a set recently and they were a bit squirrelly. I am just about done with a long trip and they seem a bit better. I have lost some mpg...
I saw a prius In Orlando that was hit today on I4W. It was in a construction zone with no shoulder so I wasnt able to stop safely. So in the off...
Representative Carroll was good enough to meet with me on the issue and discuss it. So to clear up 1 mistake Ihad the bill is only supposed to tax...
I agree that the trucks cause a lot of damage, especially in the fracking region where they weren't designed for the trucks. Due to the taxes,...