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can you share pictures or videos. thanks
love your posts
yes all good points and thanks for the reminder on the simple calculation for internal resistance. I think you might be referring to this graph...
Chapman as usual thanks for your valuable feedback. I think you have a good point here, the only challenge is computing the internal resistance,...
that is a long way of saying that " a 10-15 seconds load, no matter the load or amps, will NOT harm or premature the life of a single module"....
it's the size of the load that we are debating, no whether we need a load. you don't want to put such a big load that reverses the polarity and...
it is temperature dependent, although size of engine is also a factor. you would never want to switch to that thin of an oil if you live in mexico...
I think you are playing with fire using one of those load testers... the 55watt light bulb test draws only 7amps. this load testers are designed...
interesting article on the topic. although it doesn't say much about the impact of a high short pulse discharge....
yes that is exactly my question. and not only that but how much stress are we really causing on the module, if any, when testing at 15C or beyond....
You are the man! everything is clear now. I never thought that the entire 200 amps would go to every single module but dispersed throughout the...
Thanks chapman! that clears some of the confusion but not everything: please tell me where I am wrong with this math: MODULE: 55 watts on a 7.2...
interesting insights from Steve but not sure is accurate when he says: "The car subjects the sticks to a 100A load for short duration and 20-50A...
hi chapmanf, can you bring some light into this hot topic today? we can use your expertise on this thread if you have a chance. thanks. Load...
we are not talking about reconditioning or danger of heat/warped but rather a quick load test on each module whether is the standard 2 minute with...
completely agree that voltage is meaningless. your example is perfect. But... this leads to my previous question: how much of a load amps is too...
couple of simple questions: 1. using the car light bulb at 55 watts only puts a load of 7.5 amps. I know this is the standard protocol. but isn't...
is 100 watt really no where real life load? I thought real life load was around 200 watts for the whole battery which it would be only 1 amp per...
I am in Oregon. but I supposed it could be shipped from anywhere. I could probably manage to send shipping label to make it easy. thanks