Separate names with a comma.
Howdy, I have also wondered if these are "worn out", but... I know a retired electrical engineer who told me as long as the battery cells meet or...
Howdy, Sorry for the novel... P1 has come to that same conclusion about both batteries, thus why I'm wondering what is going on. P1 threw P0A80...
Howdy, Ok, here's just part of "the long story"... I have 2 2nd gen Prius's, thus why I have 2 batteries and also an empty battery chassis. I...
Howdy, Drove it today, I've got more. P3020 POA7F P3013
P0A80 is the reoccurring battery code
I took a couple screen grabs... #1 Pack voltage was 252.6 voltage Charging was 14.32 amp State of charge was 30.00% Max charge 26.8 #2 Pack...
Howdy all, Long story short. Getting the "Red Triangle of Death" I'm using Carista to reset the RTD. I'm using Dr Prius to monitor my batt....
Regarding the carbon build up, We did replace the intake manifold and had them clean the EGR valve assembly about 2 years ago.
Yes, all the cables get plugged in every time it goes back in the car. CG
Thanks for the replies, Yep, have the interlock engaged. I have had that battery in and out too many times...
Thanks for the reply, Unfortunately, even disconnecting both batteries does not eliminate the red triangle of death, or the check engine light....
Bringing this back from the dead... So, after quite a while of charging and discharging the numerous cells I had here, I had a pool of likely...
Thanks for the replies, I know it has well over 200K. I also know she recently had a compression test done for a different reason (missing and or...
My Daughters 2010 Prius has a new problem. Over the last 6 weeks or so, the Engine coolant is slowly going down, causing an overheat...
Eventually it turned on a CE light. It was missing on 1 or more cylinders. Replaced all the coils and plugs and it ran well for 18 months or...
Hi Ed, Thanks so much for your info and advice. Much appreciated. Funny I was just thinking I needed a charger for the entire pack, so I can...
With that fully shorted cell, could that have blown the fuse in the high voltage safety fuse (battery disconnect)? Is it obvious if that 125 amp...
I did check the adjoining batteries. I replaced the battery on the side that arced. I have replaced the damaged battery, along with its neighbor....
Howdy all, Bought a 2005 Prius. Dead in the water, traction battery showing very low power. Wouldn't start with a jump. When I pulled traction...
Did I put this in the wrong area?