Separate names with a comma.
Middle cells run usually hotter, so they degrade quicker then outer ones. Many folks suggest changing the order of cells while rebuilding the battery.
If the smell is strong outside (in front of the car I guess) and disappears on EV mode, I would suspect some leak from engine cooling system (when...
The best known Smell of Prius comes from two rubber tubes mounted across HV battery cells. They stink like old cowshed (check an air inlet located...
I guess you'll get no answers ;).
The common trick is to rotate the handle 180 deg. It helps me a lot.
If a "product like that" has the ability to lower the thermal resistance of a cooling system (the ability to transfer heat from the hot to cold...
In Gen2 the "pads" look similar. I guess they are hot melted rivets and the only way to remove them is drilling. Or maybe make a thermal shield...
Just overhauled the reverse camera: tried to polish heavily scratched lens with 2000 and 5000 water sandpaper, then used a polishing compound for...
I'm currently doing maintenance of HV battery cooling system. Here are my observations and thoughts: - P2 battery blower uses a DC brushed...
From an elecronics engineer point of view It looks like toyota designed the MFD (or some other electronics, or even only the firmware) to be used...
I'm almost sure it's a genuine HV charger from gen1 prius. Can't give a link due to PC restrictions, but I found almost identical unit (one digit...
Another important difference - EU prius has rear disc brakes, US has rear drum brakes and the handbrake (ehm, footbrake) linkage is slightly...
There's a whole bunch of BT audio receivers you can connect to AUX. I'm using the cheapest one from China, unfortunately it's mono and the sound...