Separate names with a comma.
I contend that there are two important misunderstandings here: 1. Any battery is not a power source; it's a power storage device. You still need...
As of just getting more He3 makes fusion energy straightforward... "Fusion is the energy source of the future, and always will be" "We've been...
OK, I looked up the 2004 Prius emergency response guide. You're right - the high voltage cable runs along the bottom of the car rather than...
Just make sure you check out the info given to emergency rescue people. If memory serves (but don't you trust my memory - after all, I don't...
I agree. On my most recent trip to Beijing (last month), I noticed an awful lot of shiny new Audis, often sharing traffic with delivery guys...
I don't have a canoe, but I have a ski box. I use a Thule rack, and I am able to stick it far enough on the side so that I leave the antenna in...
I also don't see this on the Yakima web site. Are you sure, skruse? I had a Yakima rack on my previous car, and a bike rack and ski box to fit....
According to my calculations, filling the roof and the hood of the Prius with 15% efficient solar panels would supply you with the equivalent of...
Thule makes a roof rack fit kit for the Prius (I got mine from, and they helped me over the phone with a question on how to mount...
I saw (not heard - stealth mode) one drive by in Japan last summer, made by Toyota. Don't know when they're going to bring it out here. I would...
I think the spoiler on the Prius is not there for downward force. I think it's there for three reasons: 1) to deflect some air across the smaller...
See Adventures delivering kayak... Thule rack?
Hard to imagine who would want it. On a bike, weight is key; people will go to incredible lengths to shave off ounces, and batteries are about...
NuShrike said "Sounds like another bunch of intelligent handwaving by committee to look good to the constituents" and Sid said "how can any...
Regen helps you get closer to theoretical, but can never push you beyond the theoretical limit. A hybrid helps in two ways: run the ICE at a...
Thermodynamics sets a limit to how much work can be extracted from a heat engine of 1-T_cold/T_hot, or for gasoline at a combustion temperature of...
Really? The second law of thermodynamics sets some pretty firm limits on the efficiency of heat engines, and I think modern gas and diesel engines...
I worked through some numbers on what solar panels on the roof and hood of the Prius could do. Solar panels are more like 15% efficient rather...
It's complete baloney. Rare earth magnetic materials like Neodymium or Samarium make much stronger static magnetic fields than Iron magnets. As...
My wife had a tree branch come out from nowhere (sneaky tree!) and whack into the back of my Prius when she was backing up in a friend's driveway....