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Yes I asked about this. I used 8-2 Stranded. NM-B Copper Which has the Black, White Both insulated as you see and the ground is bare in the...
Yes it is the 32 Amp model, I called and spoke with ChargePoint they used to sell 2 versions of Amperage but just went to the 32. Most cars are...
I forgot to mention that the App set-up was very easy, even though my home network uses MAC Address "WhiteListing". Once I got the MAC Address for...
ChargePoint Level 2 18 Foot Hardwired Unit. Purchased on Amazon. I purchased this unit to use with my 2017 Prius Prime. The Level 1 charger...
< It shouldn't be. Retirement accounts / investments should vastly exceed any car 'investments' (expenses really). Maybe even exceed a house...
This is what a Warranty Is for. Especially an Extended Warranty. I have never understood why people do not buy them. A car ( For most people )...
You may also fine some insight to your question here. You have to remember that the IRS " LOVES SYMANTECS " just as us Engineering folks do....
I would put in for the tax credit wether you think you get it or not. Many people did not when the first HyBird vehicles came out. I used to own a...