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thank you!! That was what I needed. here are the codes: (!) = 41, 57, 69 ABS = 42 VSC = 45
Friends - slowing down on a fairly steep downhill last night to pull into our neighborhood, the parking brake, (!), ABS, and VSC lights came on...
Hi Faith - I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. I also have a 2007 (with 248k miles) and from what I've researched the extended warranty on...
Well I chickened out on the piston soak for fear of hydrolock. But I pulled the air filter box and cleaned the MAF sensor, changed the plugs, and...
Hi all - I'm getting ready to replace the plugs and PCV valve on my 2007 (235k miles) and I would like to do a piston soak, too. I'm burning...
Excellent advice - thank you very much. I'll post here when I finish up.
Thanks again everybody. I did the replacement last night with a refurbished combination meter from Matt at Texas Hybrid (and the help of...
Oh yeah and in the meantime, the catalytic converter code hasn’t come back yet...
I’m not certain on the bladder vs CatiClean or OxiCat. I might email the companies to see if they know anything. I purchased plugs, MAF...
Thanks for all the great info on this forum concerning P0420. My 2007 Prius with 235k miles is pitching an intermittent P0420 alone. It burns...
Thanks guys - the other great posts on this forum led me to the capacitor issue, so I recognize that as the root cause. I was just wondering if...
Did anybody determine if there is a connection between 12V battery replacement and the intermittent combination meter issue? I have the same...
Erik - I went with the Bosch AGM flat plate in my 2007 Prius (226k miles), and everything was fine for three trips afterward. Starting with trip...
Chesapeake: I am also in the Atlanta area and need to solve the same combination meter issue. I'm trying to decide between DIY and taking it into...
I have a 2007 with 226k, smart key but no navigation (I'm the second owner) - experienced the combination meter issue this morning for the first...