Separate names with a comma.
Oh there is no doubt conclusions have been drawn by some scientists. However, I don't believe this would be the first time scentific...
When he says the science isn't there, the way I take that is the data does not support any definitive conclusions as to what is or is not...
I concur with this assesment!
I'm glad I could clarify my position on taxes. :) I'm not opposed to changing how we do business when it comes to cleaner energy and more...
This could be one of the dumbest things I've read in a long time. Do these environmental guys even understand how many "ferry" flights take...
Let me clarify something here, I am not opposed to government taxing people (sales taxes, income taxes, airline security taxes, etc). There is a...
Taxes are anti-growth. If you want people to do less of something you generally increase taxes on it (ie, alcohol/tobacco). If you want people...
Most gas stations I've seen in the N. Virginia area are between $3.10-$3.16.
Actually, I have no problem with trying to increase domestic oil production, coal usage, nuclear, wind, solar, whatever it takes. We are going to...
The problem with climate change, in my opinion, is I don't think we are/can be sure that any climate change is a direct result of human activity...
I agree with both of those statements. I'm just saying Mr. Gore still makes that connection in his movie. However, hurricane frequency and...
Perhaps someone should tell Mr. Gore that since he subtly ties (or directly depending on your POV) Hurricane Katrina and the blip of increased...
The posts carrys no weight with you because you appear to be some kind of closed minded academic elite. As for substance, it wasn't meant to be a...
I've been going there for years with a 2002 RAV4 and recently with my 2007 Prius. As far as I know they have always done a good job.
Good thing that doesn't come out of the pilots' paycheck!
I suspect gas will be going up this spring due with the spring/summer change over coming up. Oil hits a high; some in U.S. see $4 gas by...
Don't worry...Obama is going to win in Nov. :(
Amen to that! They are either on a cell phone or they're from Maryland (sorry, my anti-MD bias had to get out). :)
Former Congressional employee and now a "lobbyist" for an airline trade association.
I don't blame you for being defensive. It is hard to justify fears over global warming when many parts of the globe have experienced record cold....