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Thank you in this chat forum. I was able to resolve my issue. My radiator was plugged up with oil residue from previous engine and some kind of...
OEM water pump replaced twice. Appreciate your input.
Did you fix the issue or find out what was wrong? I am having same issues. TIA
@Sergey K. Did you ever find out the issues and have a fix? I am having same issues with my 2011 Prius
Did you get a fix on your issue?
I do have a new engine in too. So stronger than the last engine for sure. So I am assuming it is working the other parts harder.
You are correct @ChapmanF hmmm. That means temp sensor is doing its job. I did mention before in thread that only major part not replaced was the...
You think temp sensor needs to be replaced?
I suspect the radiator is original meaning possibly never been replaced. The car does have over 345k miles on it. I have replaced new engine,...
I am not trying to push the car to brink of failure. Now even when I drive 65 mph up the Altamon pass up that hill to the Bay Area the Red...
@Mendel Leisk thank you for responding. No I bought it used. 345k Now at 347k miles Need to check with mechanic on that EGR system and intake...
@PriusCamper I get about 42-45 Mpg
@PriusCamper thank you for responding. You are correct radiator and inverter water pump hasn’t been replaced. Yes inverter coolant system flushed...
Thank you for the reply @Tombukt2 and yes my mechanic has checked the hoses and burped the air pockets out of the reservoir. Sorry I’m not a...
I have similar issues with my Prius. I have a 2011. Changed out engine, water pump, sensor and thermostat. I have issue when I drive high speeds...
I have a 2011. Changed out engine, water pump, sensor and thermostat. I have issue when I drive high speeds 70-80 mph up hill. Reservoir very hot...