Separate names with a comma.
And, people can't buy them if they're not available. So, of course there's that too.
Norway seems to be moving in the right direction at a pretty good rate. Hitting record, electric cars sales in Norway near 80% in 2022 | Reuters
The law sounds to me like a step in the right direction and the rest of the states should enact similar laws and of course be enforced.
There's nothing in the body of that article that supports it's title claim. Any other so called "sources?"
Source please!!!
Looks like the car has a lot to offer, but the price is out of reach.
Lol! I'm sure he meant it as a not-so-subtle (at least in this country) political remark!
I haven't purchased it yet as I'm still on the fence about the warranty.
Well, you have to realize around here at least that the road crews use so much salt that usually the only place you might have trouble with...
I'll have to check to see if I can find a winter rating on the truck tires, but in any case I'm still happy with the Prius and its tires.
If that's the case, then it says a lot about the oem tires on the Prius as that's what's on it. As far as the truck, granted they are not snow...
lol! Yeah- rear wheel drive cars. :LOL:
...been there done that growing up with the real wheel drive cars and even living in the south in the summertime, but right here right now it's 17...
The driveway had layer of ice this morning with a couple inches of snow on top, so I plowed it. The plow removed the snow, but the ice was still...
I guess what I'm really trying to say and am not doing a good job so far is that my Prius does a really good job of handling the winter weather...
Lol! Those are some impressive looking spikes, but the nano spikes look more like studs in studded tires and have impressive gripping power on...
As an avid winter hiker and trail runner, I agree about the wet ice being the worse. In a pinch I can get by hiking on even hilly icy trails...
Despite the recommendations from various people on Prius Chat to change to snow tires for winter driving, when I asked the local dealer about it...
Ours is $580 after I lowered the deductible on the comprehensive coverage because of windshield cracking. (That's per year.)
Exactly... This area of Ohio has plenty of hills and the local road departments use plenty of salt as soon as they can get to the roads before...