Separate names with a comma.
Guaranteed Brake Pump and Master............. yikes... I've done it ..... used one blew in six moths.... and I got a new one installed from...
Has the Inverter blown yet? Very surprised if it hasn't.....
It can fail at any time....... especially after 100,000miles. They could possible jack with you if it hasn't been updated...when it...
That's pretty rare..... hopefully they were raplaced before you got the cars
And No...... Inveter, Brakes or Traction Battery problems?
My Failed after reprogramming at 167,000.......... 1100 miles from home. It will fail.....
The water pump Will go out. Change it if you plan on keeping it. Check oil weekly. Change every 4000 miles. Use 10w 30... or 40 Change...
Head Gasket, Water Pump and Inverter next.
I'm sorry I thought I was on the Prius v section. : )
Get rid of before the headgasket blows... or the brakes go out or both at the same time. Refirb is just another old battery.
I didn't say gen 4 Gen 3 Please supply a video of you taking a large dose of fentanyl
You can easily replace the pump in under two hours.....
The water pump should be replaced at 150,000 miles............... unless you want to possibly ruin the engine or cause more head gasket...
Guess you had better results than the prolong system I had... had the charger and dis-charger........... Maybe use it to (prolong a good set of...
Don't know of a single full service gas station in Houston. Walmart with auto service......?
Engine destroyed........... have to get a new one.............
Try to find another battery... and change individual cells... u have to take them out. Prolong system will do nothing for a bad traction battery
Sell it now..... or look forward to 4 to 6 thousand in repairs soon....
Your doing great...... but expect the Head Gasket problem no matter what you do... Get a new water pump at no later than 150,000 easy change...