Separate names with a comma.
After several months of driving I developed a better method for handling my morning downhill drive. I found that toggling the hybrid button right...
Because they probably don't think the investment is worth the payback that they will get. I would prefer carplay, but I really don't miss it that...
Good catch. I reversed them in the summary.
It got cold outside.
Assumes no resistance in the plugs and their attachments to the wires at typical temperatures. Resistance:(ohms) 10 AWG is 0.0100/10 ft. 12...
On long trips I have no desire to wait at a charging station. Additionally, I am stuck with a single source of maintenance which is located about...
Banning all cars will save many lives. Is it worth it?
WARNING: SiriusXM rant. Nothing directly to do with Prius Prime. The thing that really ticks me off about SiriusXM is their "old cell...
I would rather burn a few ounces of gasoline than wear down my brake pads. Gasoline is much easier to replace and cheaper than the pads. Using...
I have seen the ICE turn on with a full battery on a downhill, but this winter I am seeing it come on when going down a steep hill. Normally, I...
It is fairly reliable on my Premium but will drop out when a solid line of tall fur trees is between me and the south. According to the spec for...
Could you attach a picture of your installation? I was wondering how this could be done with out totally mangling the dashboard.
The USB port on the Prime is kind of exposed and a normal sized thumbdrive is prone to get snagged or broken. I have been using the SanDisk...
SiriusXM is acquiring Pandora. They are interested in some “free funnel” for the in-car radios. No immediate announcements.
Video yourself adding gasoline to a car. You will get rusty on how to do that.
I find that explaining my rational for the Prime requires a bit more effort than simply a Rav4 or a standard Prius. The mixed-fuel flexibility is...
My round trip commute to work is slightly less than the plug-in range of 25 miles. For me this was opportunistic. I don't have problems with big...
I think you are referring to the lectures by John Kelly at Weber State University in Ogden, UT. He has a whole series of lectures on hybrid and...
It really depends on your driving profile. If you drive 100 miles a day, the difference between the two drops off quickly. In my case my drive...
I am amazed how well Sirius XM has manage to emulate a cable company and all their undesirable practices. I don't know how they expect to please...