Separate names with a comma.
OK, but to be clear, after the TPMS batteries fail, that dash warning light stays on, and can’t be turned off?
And what about the dashboard warning light?
Good thought; fingers crossed!
OK, I’ll wait for this sign plus some OBD trouble codes, tho it was scary to just replace the tires and not the TPMS.
I find it normal for tire pressures close to the TPMS threshold to trigger the warning lamp when it is chilly, and then to turn the lamp off when...
Oh no, tires have been replaced several times, as needed. Saying that TPMS system is original.
We have a 2006 with 40k miles, so about 2.5k a year, mostly local. All tires had a slow leak, faithfully reported by TPMS, reportedly due to ‘dry...
I would prefer to buy an XLE 2020 Prime, but find the driver’s seat quite uncomfortable, and the power adjustments don’t reach a position I like...
FYI as of 10/28/29 the irs site does include the 2020 Prius Prime in the listing of qualifying cars.
Maybe, but designing in a bit of sheet metal at the corners where a proper bumper should be would lead to a traffic ticket if “bumper” damage...
Duplicate post deleted
Most of the damage to our 06 Prius seems to be at the corners of the bumpers, and the Prime’s front corner seems to be just sheet metal and a...
Thinking of getting a Prime, but question the front bumper. It looks fragile, and I see damage on some on the street. Design seems less robust...
Only (IMO) OP wasn't really stuck; small battery died on us, we got a jump, drove to the dealer, had it replaced. Not cheap, I certainly agree.
OP ... 2004 was the first year for the Gen II. KBB (private party) lists it as $5750 Fair to ~ $7350 Excellent, but curiously those prices don't...
As to OP's question, part of the answer might lie with the inability of a lot of the most natural potential owners (big city apartment and condo...
Contact patch is smaller too, so less traction with over-inflating, more skidding, etc.
My bad, sorry. Could have sworn I had a dash warning on my '05 Taurus, but it seems not. The Prius is actually my wife's, and she rarely drives at...
Got flagged by a fellow driver, and told both tail lights were out; I had no dashboard warning light. Headlights were on, blinkers worked, brake...