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you won't believe.,i paid exactly the same amount...haha
after a month.,i noticed I'm missing the cover seeing your post.,finally the dealer delivered the cover today.,please contact toyota they should...
great enjoy the car.,so how much you ended up paying for it?if i may ask
does it have AT and premium convenience package???i bought mine with all of this.,mine was Prius 4.,NOT touring. I paid $28000 for it
Hi I had the same issue like you.,i bought the car last month and did not bother about the cover until i read your message.,i called toyota and...
great car.,welcome to the club
after tax and all it cost me $29000 out the door.,tax in oklahoma is 3.25%
I love the way it complaints
cool ride you got.,welcome to the family
I got the four .,with AT package., it has 15 inch Yep you are right.,being in OK you go to be worried with hailstorm too.....
Thanks for correcting that.,
oh yes.,its four with AT package.,guess excitement over took the error :)
Guys finally got my new prius .,2017 prius 4 with JBL and AT package.,I got the deal for $28000., if you have any questions please don't...
How do you like your JBL speakers.,i am thinking of buying one.,waiting for the price to drop more