Separate names with a comma.
Do other brand and model cars with this same 1.8l engine experience these same symptoms or are they exclusively prius problems? Perhaps I could do...
Yes it only seems to misfire during idle and very light load/acceleration. Also getting horrible mileage. Ranging from 27 to 35 mpg depending on...
Yes they are rusty. Mostly around the top portion but as you can see the plugs are rusty as well. Is the video freezing?
Here is the pics. Couldn't get them through on last post.
Well I replaced my coils with the old coils and nothing changed. There were no cracks or burnt marks on the boots. Only the rust. Tried unplugging...
Cleaned throttle body and maf sensor. My next step will be to swap the old coils and see what happens. Those were left out so those are a little...
Forgot to say the plugs that were in there looked like the originals and they were pretty rusty as well. So I pulled the ones from my old engine...
Replacement engine had around 70000 miles on it when I got it. We have put 15-20000 miles on the replacement engine. I never even checked the...
Yes other than a couple minor issues I have yet to resolve all went well with the swap. If you remember I ripped the steering column in half...
I recently started getting a really bad misfire situation on my 2012 prius. 3 of the 4 cylinders threw a misfire code plus a random misfire code....
Well I called a different dealership and he quoted me 100 bucks less. And that price is after the core.
While the dealership was trying to rip me off on o-rings I decided to get a quote on a new battery. I was pleasantly surprised at the price.. He...
Thanks chap. Would you happen to know the part number or name for the seal where the injector goes into the head? I got the number(9030107037) for...
You are probably correct.
OK guys a new problem has risen. Sometime during this fiasco I pulled out the injectors to make sure they were clean and popped them back in not...
Well the code is a p0a80. But I read somewhere that it takes a better reader to decipher that code as there is 2 parts to it.. How true that is I...
I don't remember where the bars were when I started.. I'l b sure and take note next time. The only time it discharged fast was when the code came...
Ray I see there is an obd fusion app for Android. It's only 3.99. Im wondering if it's just like the iPhone version or do I get what I pay for.
I cleared the code out yesterday and it didn't come back on before cleaning. I cleaned today.. It wasn't as dirty as I was expecting but the fins...