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I can tell you your injectors are probably trashed.. if you end up doing the head gasket, get new injectors, 200-250k miles is usually when they...
thanks for cleaning my post up, I think I might have gone on the Biden train with that one.. I should probably turn In my Macs cards
you sir, have committed and admitted to multiple felonies.. I would delete this post rofl.. also you have to recharge the system using hybrid...
for god sakes don't put that impact near that engine... without a starter and flywheel typical setup, you're going to have a HELL of a time trying...
yes, to all of mine. 07-09-2013, I have a fuel injector cleaner and Dyno setup, where you remove everything, rebuild the injectors, flow test, and...
im in Orlando if you need help
nope I spent over 500 bucks to bring it up to snuff, egr clean, brand new oem coils and plugs, fluids etc.. so all in under 1000
I got my 2013 for 300 bucks
ill throw a penny into the mall fountain for you! lol..
Tactrix Openport 2.0: a USA-made, non-flaky, onboard diag dongle works with Techstream | PriusChat
nope I have a 908 as well, works great for 90% of everything, I just can't see certain subcodes without going into the OBD protocols which is a PITA..
must have been one of those eLoN MuSk testers, 420 means good, 696 means good, 42069 means GOOD.... in all seriousness, 696 isn't even possible...
looks like mini VCI has issues with certain tasks, I ordered an tactrix openport 2.0 since chap wrote up a good review..
also, make sure your valve cover gaskets are good and the cover is clean, my shower port was clogged pretty bad at 141k miles and was not flowing...
also check your timing, my 2007 had a timing chain get lazy and maxed out the tensioner, sounded like all the lifters were playing a techno song
get a cheap coolant pressure / vacuum tester.. run the engine and you'll see pretty quick if theres headgasket or crack..
my 2013 with 141k miles sounded like a box of rocks, literally like all the pistons were destroyed.. EVEN Toyota said needed new engine, $12,100...
it sets the parameter of the pressure desired, so the 20% loss trigger will work correctly..
if you do mess with it, do yourself a favor and reseal the mount, I've had a couple leaks over the years.. also I removed my mast and put a small...
wow, uncracked dash... imo leave the gloveboxes alone due to cracking issues.. what I did was sandblast all my doors with walnut and they came out...