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thanks to your post I just bought a 2 day subscription to the manual for my 2002 prius this exact problem code P3009. I am glad I did. Before I go...
you hay have a leak?
Error code P3009 Leak detective Error code 3000H/12288 Undocumented Code
Error code P3009 leak detected
can someone actually help me with my car problem?
keep the motor change the body..
it looks like regular not a hex (like the tranny plug)
congratulation but have to share with you my experience with black cars. they look sleek and sexy but when it comes to noticeability they have a...
you can only if you wear eye protection and stay away from alcohol :-) but kidding aside, its a good idea to invest in a toyota specific scan...
that's what I thought as well...
does using your stereo loud work in some situations?
were random chicks checking you and your hot ride out? I assume that's what happens when a hot dude pulls up in a hot ride like that. O face.....
that would be considered a lie and lying is not very nice. its also not nice to advice people to lie about things. Don't lie, just tell them what...
dealer can definitely help you out.
should be right near the transmission drain plug....
exactly same symptoms exactly same code exactly what happened to me :-(
I've got 2 codes. one is 3000H/12288 the other one is P3009 does anyone know about these codes and how do I post a question? I just signed up but...