Separate names with a comma.
Sorry, I was not able to find a solution that didn't have the use of the MPH/KMPH button.
Hi All On taking in all your comments, some with technical knowledge input, and others from practical experience, I thank you for these responses....
Apart from the higher regenerative charging when braking, I am presuming that a higher charging rate when coasting or slowing down would provide a...
Hi Grit I am referring to the coasting stage of slowing down, not the braking.
Hi Kramah313 Obviously you are fairly tuned into how your Prius operates. Do you know if there is any way to increase the regenerative charging...
Hi Kramah13 I presume from your comment, that when coasting, and the CHG bar is only showing about 3mm into the graph, that there is no charging,...
Thanks for that ChapmanF, but I don't have cruise control to see if it works.
Is it possible to change the rate of regeneration when decelerating so that a faster charging rate is achieved, similar to that of the braking...
I have an imported Japanese model with most signs etc. in Japanese. There is no MPH/KM button and being a Gen3 model, doesn't have the ODO button...
Hi Headofjarg Thanks for those, but they are for a left hand drive. Cheers
Is there a video available of the removal and re-installation of the display and radio unit of a right hand drive 2004 Prius for the installation...
I have a 2004 New Zealand new (not an imported Japanese domestic market) Prius, with a 16-pin OBD connector, but it appears that the connection is...