Separate names with a comma.
Thanks for the instructions; I could not find them in my manual. Now I won’t have to rely on my Iphone for directions to newer locations BTW I...
So the post above this one puts the price at $50. You OK with that?
Mine died a while back also, dealership replaced it and so far no problems...
Thanks for the info about the wheel power button, I hadn’t realized it worked that way. I took the car by the dealership and left it for the...
The power button has been acting up for the last few months, sometime not turning on or off when depressed. Other times the radio would come on...
I’ve been looking at all the Scion TC take offs available and think it’s time I changed out my stock wheels for these. My questions are: Are...
I thought I had read somewhere on this forum the after the last block starts blinking it will turn to orange as the last warning to fill ’er up....
Looking over the replies to the original question I can see our little car is very susceptible to outside influences affecting the MPG. My other...
I only ask because of the 800 total miles I’ve put on my car it gets way better mileage on the freeway (about 48mpg) verses my daily commute on...
Thanks for all the replies. I had already thought of the rope trick but was hopping for a more permanent fix. I’ll be looking for a shorter...
OK… this might be a question already answered, be I did the search thing and came up empty. Here is my problem/concern…. My garage door is...
Interesting ideas to my original suggestion of combining the cell phone/key-fob. I like the watch solution, but it still leaves me wondering why...
I don’t want to reinvent the wheel, but as a new owner with keyless entry and Bluetooth capabilities, why doesn’t Toyota offer a cell phone...
I just paid $170.00 to get everything done from the rear seats back, done with Llumar Platinum Plus. The installer claimed this product would not...
Newbie question here, but what is the process for claiming the credit???
Jeff…. I feel your pain….. I’ve had my Prius for 5 days now and feel Concord Toyota treated me pretty well. My (our) plan was to sell my...