Separate names with a comma.
There was an inverter TSB in the United States and when mine failed they replaced it.
I purchased a vehicle from the insurance company that was technically totaled. It was my friends daughter's car that was almost new but because...
With Oil headed to 20 a barrel if you can hold out a little I see the price coming down. The stupid oil market will again sell Americans big...
I purchased a set off eBay and they worked just fine. All the holes lined up and they have been working for the past 3 years.
I have a better Cragslist story. Was looking for a very specific Toyota Camry SE with the 5 speed manual. Found about 30 miles away after a lot...
It happened around 149k. I remember this because I was right below the threshold of the battery warranty for Cali Prius
My 2011 Prius I bought used and it had the software patch already when I purchased my prius. My IMP failed and I would say I was lucky because it...
I used a pair of needle nose pliers to turn the piston. So a good brake cleaning with brake cleaner is a good idea before you start. If it has...
Spent 2 months driving and 20K miles from Santa Barbara to Deadhorse and back and drove on every road in Alaska 13 years ago. Greatest road trip...
so when it was missing the shims they rattled but did they stop OK? I can't imagine that they wore out in that short of a time without shims or...
I purchased a replacement set of front wheel well plastic covers because one was all chewed up from the previous owner and it was a direct fit and...
If one of your calipers was not releasing for some reason and your brakes were always dragging this could cause a drop in mpg, excessive brake...
For your vehicle to drop from 45-25 mpg is huge. Any chance someone hooked up a trailer behind your prius? Outside of joking did you have your...
wonder if your slide pins have been lubed?
So when they have it all figured out will we all be able to update our scan gauge ourselves or will we need to send it it? I really would like...
Are you calculating your mpg or is this on the dash? What is your tire pressure? I have a Prius II and have never got below 50mpg and typically...
Well now you can save some money in the future!
I have purchased a totaled vehicle from the insurance company and obtained a salvaged title. In order to register it I had to pay for a brake and...
Everyone in California that sells or buys a vehicle really needs to know and understand the law. He does have a valid lawsuit and he would...
In my experience with Toyota vehicles P0420 is typically fixed by replacing the O2 sensor and not the Cat.