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Thanks for your comment, Mendel! I figured that out myself during the night as often happens. I'll test drive another Toyota asap and compare the...
I think I'm finally out of the woods now, after about a whole year dealing with the brakes issue ! In the mean time I had to replace the head...
what U have labeled the BRAKE BOOSTER ASSEMBLY I have been calling the brake master cylinder.
I'm only 83 yrs old -- how old do i have to be to become a senior member ? ?
duh - at 4 am the solution came to me, as often happens ! The 1/2 inch draw-down of brake fluid from the reservoir is what pressurizes the...
First I replaced the pump because it was cheaper. NO GO. Master cylinder was bad, but local dealer did not bleed new replacement properly so it...
Now the fluid level rises 9/16th inch over night. That indicates there is air in the m/cyl. & Toyota Dealership bleed failure. Do U agree ? What...
Replacement booster pump failed so I put the good original back in. In this process, air escaped from the pressure line and the...
Thank YOU for comments ! The whoop-whistle was caused by air in the high pressure line. It's GONE, but I am still not happy with my brakes. The...
What I mean is every time I barely touched the brake pedal it let out this loud whoop-whistle ! Dealer said he had never heard that noise before !
Replaced '13 Prius master cyl. & pump. Had Dealer bleed system but it whoop-whistled when braking. Replacement pump failed so put good old pump...
Yes, I did all the work myself; brakes and head gasket. I can feel the vibration in the red brake line. I will try damping it. THANK you for your...
I used a $30.00 lawn mower battery in my '05 Prius for at least 3 years. I would have done the same in this 2013 Prius but a friend gave me his...
changing the head gasket did not help ! [smile] That was a separate problem, of course !
Mr. Mendel I installed a new master cylinder because changing the booster pump and accumulator did not prevent the pump from running every 14...
I had to change the head gasket [and several more in the process] last week. It took a lot of time and a LOT of praying was involved! I wish I...
Hey, my 2013 gen 3 with 213K just blew head gasket - it seems quite complicated to repair by myself. Do U think your engine is good ? give me a...
How are you doing on your fix ? I met a fellow Chat member who lives near Ft. Lauderdale - Dave; he encouraged me on my brakes master cylinder,...
This fouled #1 plug last Friday Aug 23, and I changed the plugs on the 24th. No improvement. We drove it about 10 miles - should have checked the...
I did engine overhaul in high school back in about 1957. Now I have new brakes, new tires, newly wheels alignment, and only 203,000 miles on it !...