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Its the fresh air vent which sends air to the cabin filter then into the car.I was told keeping this closed will prevent a rodent from getting to...
I dont know if its the same with your insurance company but with mine if hit by an animal its a $250 deductible instead of the $500 for other...
Sorry to hear about what happened to you!they should of been more professional about the matter.Car mechanics are like anyone else and human error...
When i went for my 25k oil change they found a nest built in my cabin filter!I guess my wife wasnt seeing things when she told me a few times that...
Speaking up in a nice way works out!.Had my 30 k checkup done yesterday and they did all required by toyotas service manual except the cabin...
Thanks for all the help :) Friday i will head to the dealer and have them preform only what is required by the service manual and not by what they...
My 06 is in need for its 30k check up and i almost flipped when i called to ask how much! $500.The service is done at my local dealer where i...
Today i went in for my 20k oil change at my local Toyota dealership and when i finished and went to get my car the sales manager stopped me.He...
My worst was about 43mpg and best about 59mpg.I av around 47 in the winter and 54 in the summer.The more you feather the gas peddle the better the...
Here you go Bill! In Ct Seems i lost some info in profile!will update...
I myself havent have no fear of driving my 06 prius in snow.I do put good snow tires on for the winter months though.I have heard many say that...
Three weeks later and i have my 06 prius back from the auto body shop.It sure feels good getting my pride and joy back.Heres a few before and...
Just got the damage report! $6400.They said car may be ready by end of next week.I cant wait!!! Im used of putting gas in every other week instead...
I had a rough estimate when i brought the car to the garage! around $3000.The car seemed to drive well after the hit but the guy at the garage...
First since i got out of highschool! over 30 yrs ago!hopefully never again.
OUCH!!! That hurts! I hope the autobody does a good job an makes it good as new.
:( This mourning!still dark! I had my first accident with my prius.I was on my way to work heading north and while turning onto a west bound road...
I have a breakdown on what the cost consists of! Labor about 2hrs at 85 per hr.=$170 Parts! 2 wiper blades,cabin filter,air filter A long list of...
I just went down to my local dealership where i bought my car and have life time free oil changes and asked about what the cost for 15k miles...