Separate names with a comma.
For the most advanced load testing process, all you need is a voltmeter, a 12-volt headlight bulb, and phone for timer. Make readings on each...
Most NiMH chargers records miliAmpere-hours charged of discharged. I use readings during discharge as true capacity of the module.
Left-Click: 2004 Prius Scheduled Maintenance Guide 2004 Prius Owner's Manual
Buying an old Prius is no longer an issue since there are so many newer Priuses now sold at almost the same price as the old ones.
I just found online brand new replacement batteries for Prius, $1,600.00. I do not have experience with it since I decided not to buy. I have just...
I've just checked all these charger/dischargers are all made in China. Any brand made in USA? I haven't found any so far.
You can't really balance a cell inside a Prius module which is sealed. What I learned is that all you need is to form-charge a module for 4 hours...
NiMH batteries, just just any other type of battery, have a fixed useful life. When that life is reached, battery is dead. What we do to extend...
I've reconditioned two hybrid batteries successfully with Prolong and individual module chargers. I keep modules only that have similar capacity,...
A Prius module is a NiMH battery containning 6 cells inside They balanced by themselves as you charge the module full. More often than not, a...
Yes, I use HybridAutomotive 's products, and no, HybridAutomotive has no product to regenerate an individual module. I am using HobbyKing to...
I've been an avid user of's Prolong product line. What I've found is that an individual module that is weak can be charged...
Thank you for the quick reply. So if I am oly discharging one module, I should discharge one module down to 4.8v on my first cycle based on the...
The table you displayed shows 168 cells. I can count only 28 cells in my Prius 2004. So for one cell, and dividing from terminations of the whole...
Yes, I have replaced it on my 2nd gen. Lights gone afterwars.
Good posts you all. Just got the red triangle when turning or braking on the way to work, will check shortly. Again thanks for all your posts.
I just called Enginer from their website, the attendant insists they are still and will be in business.
Thanks for the ad, Jeff. Just ordered one and I'm looking forward to receiving mine soon and installing it.
Michael, at this point, how did you know bad cells the first time discharging 8,16, 19, 22, and 25?