Separate names with a comma.
Quick question then I will start a new thread asking about HOW TO REPLACE BRAKE ACTUATOR It the Prius BRAKE actuator(er?) assembly the "same...
GOOD NEWS-well pretty good Yes You are all right-I should have tested the battery-but I have never had a battery soooooo dead-it would not light...
TMR Thanks for the tips I carefully eyeballed the fused link-with the clear-scratched-cover off-it looks fine-but it is a weird...
Oh-like your 4 legged "boss" . The charger being set to 2 amps-but needly being pegged to over 15 amps-does that suggest wrong polarity? I have...
TMR Thanks for the reply. I don't "think" I reversed connected-it was red to red-I think BUT Now it is faintly possible I "took it off the...
OK I certainly screwed up-I was in a hurry-old-71-in pain hands neck back etc My 2006 Prius 140,000 miles-all but about 2000 are PURE CITY short...
M in KC Patrick W- Thanks-yes it was the inverter-and yep Patricks info is always spot on I went with the dealer-$440 total-not bad at all...
Thanks all It was the Inverter coolant pump-AGAIN-1st failed at 60,000 miles 51,000 miles and 6 years ago I debated DIY vs Dealer I had...
Patrick-thanks again-pretty sure you helped me before- I did the double push on start-no brake pedal No vibration on hose or on actual pump The...
This is a separate sorta' questions I think I have an inverter coolant pump failure second one-first happened at 55000 miles-now at 111,000 miles...
Slight add on-still predawn-6:30am-maybe 1 hour to full useful light I have noticed a funny Clicking/perhaps pumping noise that seem to start as...
Thanks for the quick response guys. Hmmm-another inverter coolant pump-can't say I'm surprised The first one went at about 50,000-60,000...
Help Son-31-yo just came home he had called earlier- red triangle came on He came home 1)red triangle 2)the little "engine" check engine symbol...
Patrick Chap Thanks for the info Now-9am-75 degrees-the low side is 85psi- nothing running-the compressor won't come on Yesterday-much...
Chap Thanks for the info/advice and caution. I have put it on the back burner for now- until I get a set of gauges-all I have now is the gauge...
Chap Thanks for the info good to know that I will be able to make "paper copies" of the info I need- I'm old-so I like to read reread "stuff"...
Chap Thanks for your reply I have the TIS Toyota info "stuff" site bookmarked Unfortunately my old MACS- don't allow the subscription button to...
Where in the engine bay is the freon-134a- pressure sensor switch? I think it is on the passenger's side of the engine bay-near the front- on the...
Chap Thanks-just what I needed. Good instructions I can print out-and keep at hand so 1)no dead me 2) no dead car 3) with luck an ac that will...
Ed Thanks for the reply. I should have been more clear. If I can't fix it-I'm not going to bring it to a shop-$1000-$1500 to have it "maybe...