Separate names with a comma.
Electrical issue when break is applied at idle transmission does not disengage to allow you to charge battery. If you step on the gas feel it...
Prius will not learn lineal valve calibration. Even with brand new 12 v battery. Figured I'll move on to replace brake actuator. Using...
Well anybody think I'm missing something? Or should I just replace the actuator? When I gave the actuator number that's on it to Toyota....
Replace accumulator? 12 volt charge up good. Used Tech stream to bleed brakes as if replacing accumulator. Unit less running presently. Brake...
We have an update texturing reading. Not sure if bleeding brakes, calibration or linear offset will help. You think MFD screen should be replaced?...
Hey thanks for that information. I did check make sure voltage on both sides of under hood fuse box prior to. And just got done checking interior...
Can MFD display problems cause ABS trouble?
06 Prius 200,000 miles. ABS light on BSC light on, exclamation point Light, on alarm ringing soon as door open. Can your break actuator running...
Does anyone know the best post with directions on how to downloading second gen repair manual? Thanks!!!
Yeah going to have to try to get manual information. Kind of thinking so the other one kept running it had to be getting power. So unless I broke...
Well definitely have multimeters. But don't have the repair manual or wiring diagram. Kind of have plans for the son to download that when he...
Thanks for the reply. There is fluid in the reservoir as for power I'm not sure how to check that for sure. But I never heard it run so I would...
Image of evaporator sensor plug.
Wanted to post a follow-up answer found that when replacing the blower unit. the AC the wire for the evaporator temperature got caught and pull...
08 Prius replaced brake actuator because it would not stop running. ABS lights and buzzer ringing. After replacing buzzer still ringing pump will...
Okay thanks got troubleshooting printed out. Just thought there might be a hack or should be. For a car with so many miles, to drill a whole...
Is it possible it could be something else. Seem to be working fine then just totally stopped. After replacing the heater control valve. Does the...
Anybody has a fix for this code B1413. Without tearing the dash apart to get at the condenser sensor. Like splicing a resistor into the ECU to...
This link was very helpful got under there try to find bad motor mount. As it ran in inspection mode shaking between engine mount and frame. Then...