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Did you install these yourself? Are they staying put without wrinkling & coming undone as you enter and exit the vehicle?
Welcome to Prius Chat. My 2015 does not whine while coasting or otherwise.
I'd like to welcome you aboard and I look forward to your contributions to this forum. I am a newbie as well since we purchased our Prius Two in...
My thinking exactly.
Lopgok - Thank you for that information.
In November I couldn't pass up on the great deals Toyota and our local dealer was offering so we purchased a 2015 Prius 2. After spending a little...
Great photos and information. Thank you.
FroggyTaco - thanks for the info regarding the "Visor Mates." I'll order mine off Amazon too.
I just calculated my mileage on my first tank of gas and I only managed 44 MPG. I know that's a lot more than my previous vehicle but after...
One more gripe: after driving around sunny California I've noticed the sun visor is a bit short when trying to block the sun in the driver side...
Welcome to the club. There seems to be many new Prius owners and new "Prius Chat" members. We newbies will rely upon the experience and knowledge...
I bought my first Prius 2 November 18th. First tank was 47.8 MPG. Before that I was driving a 1995 GMC Safari van that got around 15 MPG so the...
OMGoodness, that's terrible and freighting. So glad to hear you're safe. Keep us posted if you find out what happened and why.
I've just always found a mechanical inside hatch release to be handy, that's all. I thought most modern hatchback vehicles had inside hatch releases.
Dr. Scooter, I'm new here but I enjoyed what you had to say and I hope you do come back and add your 2 cents. I just bought a new 2015 Prius 2...
Greetings one and all. After driving a 1995 GMC Safari (15-16 MPG) for the past 7 years my wife & I decided to go for something a bit more more...