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I did (and do) search the forums when I have a question, which is why I post so infrequently. I usually get a clear answer from my search, and...
we have a 2007 Prius with about 120K and a 2003 Prius with about 100K, which both have new-ish 12v batteries, and which were both used for a...
Bill! Can you please explain "Symptom #1 is if the car can't be made to coast?" Of course everyone coasts a lot (coming up to a red light or...
HGS the small battery has been replaced twice. My husband did that. Note: I'm not a troll. I thought the "flux capacitator" thing was a joke? I'm...
Thanks, everyone. Zythryn, there's really not much to tell. It's a mix of highway and non-highway miles, typical speeds, in a non-congested part...
Flux capacitator? Hm! Maybe something's wrong with the matter-antimatter generator! ;)
Thanks, vskid3, that's an interesting distribution curve. I'm way over at the left edge, the 24 fuel-ups that got 29 mpg. I can add 2 more fuelups...
Thanks, Mike -- yes there are definitely a lot of variables. I wish I had been pushier with the Toyota dealer way back when. They had me halfway...
We have a 2007 Prius which we bought new. From the beginning we got -- maybe -- 40 mpg. Sometimes a little more (42), sometimes a little less...