Separate names with a comma.
Then for step 5 right after that instead of following the instructions I disconnected the cables before starting the prius based on some info I...
Thank you for all the good advice. The smell was what I associate with electrical "burning". It was not overwhelming but certainly present and...
That is correct. I revved camry engine very gently for 5 minutes. Disconnected cables, per something I read elsewhere. Prius started right up.
I will get it tested. This isn't the first time. I read here about some people getting greatly reduced mpg with a weak 12v battery. Will have to...
Very good, thank you for the tips.
Sage advice. I am looking at the NOCO GB40 as an option.
Could be, thank you for the response.
However, i did continue the revving for the full 5 minutes per the manual. I did not follow the manual regarding revving the jumper car gently...
VERRRYYYY slight revving. Just barely above idle.
Thank you for the thoughts. I was very careful with the cable connections so I do not believe there was any error there.
Another great, tip. Thank you!
Thank you so much. Appreciate the tip!
With the jump box, the ones I am looking at to buy appear to have very short cables. Where does the negative clamp go when connecting the positive...
Jumped 2013 Prius from 201 Camry hybrid from the trunk Camry battery to dedicated positive charge point under hood of Prius. I connected the...
Good to know that the sound level is likely normal. Thanks all.
Thank you very much to everyone for sharing your ideas. The dealer said that since I reported the problem within the warranty period (which has...
Thank you very much DonDNH. I think everything has been done through dealer but can't be sure before I got it.
Thank you very much DonDNH.
Thanks for the response Tideland Prius. Is it possible then that something is wrong with the compressor? When it is happening, you can hear it...
I have a 2013 Prius II with 35,000 miles we bought certified used from a dealer 1 year ago. When I turn the AC on, there is sometimes a louder...