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Did you ever report this to Toyota or have your dealer check it out / try to diagnose steelphoenix3? I posted a video of potentially the same...
- Tank is never less than half full. 87 Octane is recommended in the manual so this should not be an issue, and if it is an issue, Toyota is being...
This post relates to a loud knocking sound that is only occasional. It most often happens when the Prius C has been shut off for some time – or...
I have experienced engine knocking for up to 10 seconds from "cold" start. The only possibly factors are moving the car for a very short distance...
Please report this knocking to Toyota. I'm surprised at how many people think it's not an issue just because it might only happen occasionally. I...
If it's not normal (which it isn't) - it should be reported. Whether it's misfiring or moisture, Toyota needs to address it. Even if this is only...
Engine knocking and shaking just happened to me again after starting up having driven half a block only to move my car beforehand. Temporarily...
This just happened to me. Car was driven normally then parked for four days. It was a pleasant spring morning - not too cold. Started up and heard...