Separate names with a comma.
thanks dude :)
hi evey one i want's to know how to repair this wire which was damaged by rats can any one suggest me a best methods, it should be waterproof...
I am planing to buy a kitten :) so rats should afraid ;) i hope
last time that rat did this to my car wire, this is the wire which is going through the engine. little bit damages as shown in the picture and no...
:( i will try to do my best :(
thanks :) i will do it with more care
i have another one more question can i wash hybrid synergy drive area using water?
ok then :( i will just a hose off then it will be fine right?
will it be any problem if i wash it using water?
what should i do now can i clean it tomorrow by using water in a low pressure :'(
you can see every picture here clearly / gallery - DSC 0895, DSC 0896, DSC 0897, DSC 0898, DSC 0899
hi friends i think this sounds funny but i do not know how to chase rats away today i installed a LED inside engine bay and i use to put some...
:p i just picked up some rat feces and kept on that paper other than that [IMG] this is the sponge which will come inside the car it was damaged...
hi friends i am facing a serious problem regarding this idiot rat since last 2 weeks i use to get some bad smell coming inside from my car when...
hi every one last night i hit to a pothole at 90 kmph my left side both front and rear wheels hits to it i heard a big sound but, i did not stop...
HI every one today i went to toyota and checked my battery they said me this is super maintenance free battery so no need of venting tube at all...
i am getting my salary at the end of this month will it any problem if i drive my car 1 to 2 weeks with this battery :( please be kind to reply me :'(
thank you. i am going to replace it again with OEM or equivalent
then do i wants to change it soon?
i got this from and local battery store this costs me $90. is it ok to use with my prius c?