Separate names with a comma.
I have a 2014 Prius 3 and have had no problems with it. I get around 48mpg in town and 55-58mpg on the highway. Great car and cheap to run.
Yes it does. When the car was sold new, the owner had 90 days of free radio satellite service. After, it expired if not renewed. I found in my...
My son in law has a 2015 C Max and loves it. Get over 40mpg on the road and is super quiet and comfortable. This is really a less well known Ford...
Thanks to all for the quick answers. I realize the importance of the vent feature and thanks to Navy for the PepBoys source. That's half the price...
Will a 12v standard Duracell "51" battery work just as well as the AGM type "51"? The standard battery is half the price.
This has nothing to do with a Prius, but I blew a head gasket on my 64 Dodge Dart while stationed in Germany in the late 60's. Head gaskets were...
Why put it in "neutral" instead of "park"? I can understand a neutral setting when going through a car wash, but not otherwise.
No it does not. You can change the cost per gallon of fuel by using the "trip" buttons on the steering wheel when you fill up; right after you...
Design of the piston top and fuel delivery along with the Atkinson design of this engine make the 13-1 compression ratio possible without the...
My 2014 Prius 3 has no grid lines.
This is normal for the automatic air con system in the Prius. The system in my Mercury did the same. I'm not a fan of the automatic systems...but...
Your Toyota dealer has them or look on ebay.
Got a set of four center caps off ebay with the Toyota emblem for $19.
I drive the same 12.1 mile route three days a week. When I first got my Prius, I drove it six times in ECO mode and six times in the default mode....
I just follow the expert's advise....the service manual recommendations.
Everyone here is right. From 2010 up...there are no belts on the Prius engines. Great idea! All accessories are electric driven.
Your best bet is to buy a good Garmin GPS system from Costco or Sam's and use that. Easy to use, quick to set up and life time free updates. I've...
I have a 2014 Prius3 and a 2015 Mazda 3. No oil consumption for either. I have not had a modern car that consumed oil since my 1952 Chevy Bel Air....
I got mine from ebay for $29.
The computer will never let the battery be fully charged since it has to let room for the regenerative braking system to charge the battery as...