Separate names with a comma.
What voltage do you measure at the test point under the red cap inside the fuse box?
Well that sucks. Maybe I should have bought the Toyota battery. [Well WTactualF? The posting software insists on correcting a spelling/grammatical...
I've installed a new Optima Yellowtop from O'Reilly and all is well. I asked Optima if they want the old one for a museum or an autopsy but got...
That would be bad :_> At this point it needs a new battery no matter what else might be wrong, so I won't risk it. Thanks!
My Optima Yellowtop from 2008 is apparently finally suddenly dead. Is it safe to remove it and try to jumpstart and run the car without a 12V...
Toyota has wasted time and money on hydrogen and algae-based Diesel, and now is wasting more effort on biofuels. If Toyota really wants to bet on...
Think of all the money he's saved versus going to a dealer for service!
My 2004 April example reached 122,000 miles in 2023 March, when I finally had the sparkplugs changed. Cons: Inverter coolant control valve failed...
Toyota: Don't suck up to autocrats, insurrectionists, and right-wing nutjobs. Straighten up and fly right! Toyota leads companies in...
Great video! It convinced me to pay an experienced installer or a dealer to do the job.
Did I just put myself through inverter coolant heck? Gurus: Other than doing all the work yourselves, what would you have done differently? -...
For my money the Chevy Volt and Tesla 3 are Prius killers. Faster is more fun.
In servicing the inverter/transaxle coolant loop on mine, dealer service techs are now 0 for 3 in getting all the air out. In each case they...
Further progress in their effort to devise headlights which are impossible to polish by hand. Goofy-lookin' bits around the lights do not...
No way to know how far you can go. Risk it and you could be walking.
Why did the car need to be towed? Where is the car now?
If you are in the US, yes, they have to refund it within the first few days. Don't let them talk to out of it. Be firm. If they delay you until...
It's probably stressing the transmission and the brakes. Not advised.
But it does leave open an important question: why did the inverter fail? The first suspect is the inverter's cooling system. Make certain that the...
Gotta do it though. The traction battery system gets its cooling air from the cabin, so if you're too hot so is the battery. Take comfort in...