Separate names with a comma.
That's been my experience also. Sorry to hear you're no longer a Gen 1 owner - hopefully you won't completely disappear from this forum. Thanks...
What scanning tool did you use and what code did it report? The symptoms you describe match those I experienced which were reported by Techstream...
I've wondered the same thing myself having recently replaced a 2002 battery. I noticed in Techstream there is an option to perform a calibration...
Module Serial No. Identification
I didn't take a top view photo but I did check the serial numbers to see if they were all in the same series. I wrote down the first 6 characters...
Draco - wanted to thank you for a post which I can't find just now about using the rejuvenation mode of your 12V charger on your battery....
Yes, I discovered how flimsy the sensor tabs were when cleaning the bus bars on the original pack. While I only saw corrosion on one sensor tab,...
Thanks for all your suggestions and help so far. As mentioned earlier, the big challenge has been finding modules to replace a failed one in...
Here's the results of a test I did a few days ago. After seeing how effective a graph can be to visualise what's going on, I decided to plot the...
It's a special day when I see another one in these parts. A couple of months ago I picked up the car after being serviced at Toyota and a...
The comment you made I referred to is here however on rereading it I realize I was probably clutching at straws thinking there might be a quick...
Today I took the car for a drive and noticed some abrupt changes to the state of charge as displayed on the MFD from 75% to 25% and then a gradual...
Thanks for your analysis Steve, the graph is very helpful to visualise the voltage differences. So I understand the higher voltage of block 7 when...
I was driving my 2002 Prius yesterday (270k km) after returning from 3 weeks holiday and some dreaded warning lights appeared 10 minutes into my...
I recently installed V9.10.037 and followed the same steps as outlined above by KhaPhoRa. The software works fine, no patches or keys are needed....
Errors and warnings from this car appear to be completely arbitrary. After the 12v battery went flat when the interior light was left on, the car...
Chap - thanks for your insights about the P3009 code and working with the HV battery. I'm a bit slow to reply as I've been traveling and have...
Thanks for this information, it suggests Toyota service personnel might have been jumping to conclusions advising that the vehicle is not...
Thanks LEVE, an interesting comment about the possibility of corrosion. Here in Perth, we've just had our first substantial rains of the season...
After purchasing our Prius in 2004 we've enjoyed 10 years of comfortable and efficient transport and I'd have to say its been the most valued car...