Separate names with a comma.
To those who cited RTFM -- apologies if it was an abuse of the forum, but I was on my way to manuals and thought to stop at Prius Chat instead....
Thanks for the tip on the location of the battery. Don't understand the reference to fuel. I should be able to start the car without gas? Used...
sat in car -- brakes don't depress easily, car makes unpleasant noises, start button shows orange, and car won't start. Guess was accessory...
Fixed term subscription? Are you talking longevity? Incept dates? (I don't know such stuff. I just do eyes...) [for greg P]
No, but it makes for great fertilizers. Or explosives. Thank you, Fritz Haber.
That is pretty much what I was trying to get at -- that the differences aren't conclusive and perhaps aren't significant. It is, after all, a...
Are there any hard statistics here? The OP's scenario was a 50 mile (interrupted) trip, starting from 85% SOC, where freeway speeds occurs after...
Am unhappy with myself -- picking up the mail and turning into my driveway I turned too sharply, and scratched the door in multiple spots against...
Others have documented not having power during certain times doesn't harm the charge, so you are probably safe. Note that then if you wish to run...
Hm, he is full of pucky?
Haven't had a grow room since college. :-) Server room is a part of it, though. And actually, the bill says that I use less than my neighbors,...
Of course, bull pucky is indeed the chief baliwick of a dealer's GM.
Mine is about ten cents per KWHr, and I use about a megawatthour a month. (1.47 kilowatt average consumption...)
[50 - 200ml] Eggs must be very large in the UK. Using Chicken egg sizes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia as a reference (wikipedia knows...
21.4 miles / (168 miles/gal) = 0.127 gallons. 20.7 miles / (161 miles/gal) = 0.128 gallons. Could easily be within rounding error on the actual...
My guess would be a divide by zero error. They aren't computing MPGe, just MPG, and if we have miles with zero gallons, what number should they use?
Sorry, talking shop. Internet of Things. The idea that increasingly, things will have IP addresses and communicate with other things. It is a...
The answer would seem to be "Will you add more streaming providers over time? Absolutely! Any lawful and licensed streaming music service can...
Understood. That isn't the IoT mantra. Telematics is good -- and the existing 'locate car', 'tell me about battery', 'turn on AC' (haven't...
True. What's up with that? So, I'll add to the list (I may have said this before) to add the car to the Internet of Things. Have a wifi...