Separate names with a comma.
I have an '07 which has had some issues. I just ordered Panlong BT OBD2 car diagnostic scanner and not sure what app I should get? Dr. Prius? I...
Thanks, I'll do that.
Thanks! The battery I have was from the dealer whom I really respect. I had had a number of issues and they were the first dealer to put the old...
OK, looks like more toward 24 hours. Thanks so much
We started it around 8 PM and planned to leave it overnight. It sounds like 12 hours may not be enough?
Yes, I'll drop the Power Pack in the rechargeable battery recycling bin I guess. I never thought about it being damaged by being in the hot car....
I left my daily driver (2007 Prius) in the driveway in the hot sun for nearly 2 months and now it's totally dead. I have a Rockford Power Pack...
Thanks, Bisco. We bought a 'Power Pack' the Toyota dealer recommended the first time we had a problem, but never found it worked when we tried...
Oh dear! I hope we have not done further damage! I did happen to look at the battery reading on my Dash phone app when I got back in my driveway...
Well, I think we have been off track here assuming it was related to the battery and earlier experiences. I have a code reader which I figured...
We have had a course of incidents of a drained 12 V battery with our 2007 Prius. Some have resulted from leaving the headlights on when passenger...
wjtracy, you appear to be the keeper of the records for the Toyota 'Goodwill' (unofficial?) program so I wanted to let you know that the dealer...
I do feel a bit badly that if I had not come to this site, it would NEVER have happened. The Service manager actually denied Toyota had any kind...
I'm pleased primarily b/c it's so much easier than getting the limping car to Ashland - even though the Ashland folks give you a free loaner....
Toyota called to say they would give us the battery at half price, so we'll pay $1478... not as good as some but better than $3,500
I did (or my husband did because frankly I wondered if they would deal differently with a man (or at least LESS IN-differently). The customer...
So is it the dealer who is the 'decider'??? If so, I might as well get busy now finding the replacemnt. I hav a friend with a salavage yard who...
OK - that's what I'll do but I still Have my fingers crossed for Toyota. I'm not optimistic though: they just want to know if I want a new or...
I'm finding a good many rebuilt batteries now. Where do you find ratings for them? I see this too: rebuilt hybrid batteries prius hybrid battery
Finding someone to install it is the issue... There's that 'driveway service' from DC but I want to hear some recommendations... Prius Hybrid...