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The header is self-explanatory, where can I get good used parts for my '01 Prius?
Well, back to square 1 as far as finding a place that will repair my car. The place I took it, Worldwide Automotive, says (consistent with what...
Yes, I have the original fob & key and want to have a spare key/fob.
Found a thread on here about this, but the info. about how to get a spare key/fob appears to be out of date and I also couldn't find the info....
Thanks for the info.! I finally found a shop here in town (Bloomington, IN) that is trained and experienced at working on Priuses (Prii?),...
The "brake" and "ABS" lights came on once, but not otherwise. My impression from Googling was that if the actuator assembly/booster pump was...
Not sure I want to risk driving 2 hours on gimpy brakes. But thanks for the tip, I will at least call them and see if there's anyone close by they...
I've had major brake issues with my '01 Prius. I've had the front and rear disks, pads, etc. replaced but the brakes still aren't right. When I...