Separate names with a comma.
10k mile service HTC One ?
504 Miles (my first 500 mile tank) 9.659 gallons $3.759/gallon $36.31 total fill 52.2 calc mpg 54.4 display mpg $0.07/mile 31mph avg speed
I didn't notice any reception degredation on FM or Satellite this morning.
Thanks, I like the look. I got it from the PriusChat Shop Shark Fin Antenna for 2010-2014 Toyota Prius - PriusChat Shop
Seemed ok from what I tested. Will know more on tomorrow's commute HTC One ?
Put on my shark fin. [ATTACH][ATTACH] HTC One ?
As long as you like it.
I had a Mazda 3 rental and hated it. It was tiny.
I drop my wife off at the door. Happy Wife, Happy Life.
I would assume by the time on the clock that he was sleeping.
Saw one on the way home from work today. Have to say, didn't care for it.
473 Miles 9.368 gallons $3.559/gallon 50.5 calculated mpg 53.9 displayed mpg 32 mph avg speed $0.0705/mile
My wife did this in her Altima and just attached velcro to the bottom so they don't move.
Have mine scheduled for next Wed along with my 5k mile service and turning the seatbelt beeping off.
If I am talking about it, it is My Car. If my DW is talking about it, it is Your Car. No other names as of yet.
Put my center caps on.
Guess that means I can't havemy MIL in the car HTC One ?
It started to rain one morning on the way to work and the rain was turning to ice as it hit the ground. I came around a bend and down a hill and...
Picked my car up from the body shop after 3+ weeks and $15k in damage. Looks like new. had them leave the wheel covers off.
Yes, I hate the Mazda 3 that I have.