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I came across this article: Alignment & Suspension Specs: 2001-2009 Toyota Prius: Brake and Front End It mentions something about disconnecting...
Well, not receiving any response I tried the above methods to reset the steering angle sensor, and they did not work. I came across this...
Thanks Joe, I had thought that perhaps replacing the other tie rods and getting the steering straight might solve the skid alarm problem (IF it...
So there is no DIY procedure to reset the steering angle sensor? The shop couldn't align the steering wheel b/c the tie rods were rusted tight on...
Thanks John, Do you know the steps to perform the procedure? My car took a direct hit on the tire, got new tie rods, but now the wheel is...
The Hunter Alignment video posted on this thread states that resetting the sensors should be a normal part of the alignment. Hunter Alignment...
How do you perform the zero point calibration? I had my alignment done by Hunter. They did not provide a printout, but I was there and they did...
When I had the alignment done, the steering angle sensor definitely was not reset, and the mechanic said he could not get the wheel straight...
Looking around the web... could this be a steering angle sensor problem? This problem started after an alignment, so maybe that's what is...
Thanks! I realize I will probably end up taking it to the dealership, but this forum has been immensely insightful in helping me rule out the...
The coolant storage tank was replaced with the damage, but I suspect the mechanic did not properly bleed the air. It is clearly unrelated to the...
I used a Centech 60693 scan tool from Harbor Freight. When I use the jumpers to put the car in diagnostic mode there are no more blink codes...
After resetting the codes and driving for a few days the skid alert problem still persists. The only code that now shows up on the OBD scanner is...
The video was mistakenly set to private, but I changed it to public after John posted.
I took the car to a front end specialty shop to get things checked out. They said everything looked good and loaned me a tap. I made sure the...
Picked up a bolt extractor from harbor freight. Busted 3 drill bits and one extractor. I may be out of my league on that one. Wheel bearing...
I cleared the codes. ABS 32 reappeared upon starting the next time. Brake still shows 36 and VSC 43. I drove the car into work (with the...
Ok I check the speed sensor resistance and both sides are registering 1.6K ohms. I checked both toothed wheels and all teeth are intact, and...
Here's a video of the actual alarm going off. [media]