Separate names with a comma.
An ancient yet perfect Prius simulator: Prius driving simulator (It doesn’t like Chrome, so use Explorer.)
Will take delivery 1st week of June our 2019 RAV4h XLE. That took awhile.
Where did you find it for $155, please?
My daughter calls it Dory. :rolleyes:
This site has always been a good resource. Environmental Technology | TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION GLOBAL WEBSITE
We are a two Prius, two adult, two kid family, We have an '07 w/ 82k miles and an '09 w/ 40k miles and have never regretted it. Good luck!
Way back, someone (probably EFusco) found out from Toyota that the wheel to battery to wheel efficiency is 30% for the Gen II. Don't know about...
That must be a test unit. I really don't like the positive and negative leads exposed like that.
Awesome story, Bob! You should submit it to Car Talk!
Try the simpler solution, [IMG]
Same source as, "I'm a sailor, I sail." Some movies are nothing but quotables, so I hate to see them eliminated with just one reference....
If this comes to pass, and it presents greater competition to the local dealers, forcing them to treat me more like a customer, then this is the...
Mileage with my X radials dropped a few mpg, but they came back to me after several thousand miles. I'm actually getting better mileage now than...
Whole family loves the movie. Saw it Saturday, and then again Sunday. Haven't gone to a movie twice like that in a very long time. Once...
I'm happy with the Michelin X Radial, available from Costco or Sam's Club.
I put X Radials on my 2007 Prius about 20k miles ago and like them so much, I put a set on my teen's Honda CRV. For me, they've performed as well...
Whatever gets the most fuel efficient category of cars on the road is all I care about. Competition is good; it forces development. I used to...
So did she go out with either of you?
How does she feel about your reference to hers being a harbor? :eek:
me too