Separate names with a comma.
And have you guys noticed any increase in the margin of disparity between computer and calculated MPG as temperatures dip? In my ignorant mind,...
Is that computer or calculated mpg?
I'm with you: it's why I described my accompanying temperature change.
I was wondering what sorts of mpg differences you guys are seeing as the cold weather comes on. Going from a daily average of 60-65 to 45-50...
Sometimes I lose a relatively lot of mpg just during warmup, though.
I've gotten that rudeness going up a hill from a red light where I didn't attain the 45 limit within 2 seconds. Guy pulled up beside me, started...
I've checked out various Prius and Prius V threads about this, with the varying recommendations according to preferred sweet spots in ride...
Hills could do it
Right, I use Trip A for each new tank. The car's computer mpg shows 49.2. I notice the range increase by about 10 miles after the highway...
I'm. Not really understanding how Range is calculated of maybe just updated. 120 miles into a tank I'm averaging 53.8 mpg with a total range of...
I drive about 330 miles per workweek (mostly highway at 65 mph) so when the weekend comes around my brain's spent and I opt to let my wife do the...
It's not addressing the same exact thing, but I notice my expected range is higher the more highway driving I do vs. city. I'm guessing this is...
So in essence time should average this out, and I should note which gas stations might require going past the first click and that's that? Given...
The following tank actual MPG was around 3 less than the computer's. The third tank, today, filled somewhat early during a driver switch on 95...
Excellent. Thanks! Does the fact that our car's a lease affect the feasibility of using Scangauge? What's the installation like?
I'm confused because it appears I have a higher calculated MPG than displayed, where most people get the opposite. I just filled up after...
Not at all! I appreciate your response, I didn't mean to compare his simple answer to your detailed one. My thanks to him was independent. They...
Thanks for the simple answer.
Forgive me if I'm just being dense, as I didn't sleep much last night, but what you're saying that the system will first use EV charge as much as...