Separate names with a comma.
I talked to a guy with a regular Prius with HOV stickers in CA. He said he just applied and they sent it to him. A cop did warn him(when at the...
Yes YYYY-MM-DD for all computer files. Since we revise drawings/models a lot(architecture) using a date in this format allows us to order drawings...
I for one love the bridge and instrument layout!!! Now I never rest my leg on the center in any car so thats a non issue, and if I did it hits the...
stock tires, 38/36 psi. no wheel covers + us spec mud guards
Yep 422 each way, plenty of gas left when we got home
Drove the grapevine again this past weekend. LA to SF and back, there were some spots of traffic so my average mph was 65 I drive about 78 with no...
Ours does not stay still, if he is in the back seat he loves rest the full weight of his head on my shoulder.
I need to get a portible crate for my 70lb Lab that will fit in the back of the Prius with the seats up. It needs to be one of the fabric ones(the...
I thought the picture was a little misleading so I fixed it for you. ;) [ATTACH]
Project Manager/Design(so to be Architect) at a small Architecture firm specializing in modern residential work. RT of 80 miles plus site visits a...
I would have loved Maroon or Brown!
Cool how do you like them? I finished my install this weekend also, will post some more pics later. I spent probably 2-3 times more time on...
Pics please!!!
cool, how often do you clean/condition?
Just got and started installing all PVC Clazzios. What is the best way to care for/ treat the pvc? Same products as leather or is there something...
About 3 days. Both PVC and Leather are perforated.
Its is the darker gray(which they call gray). Yes the seats have 1/2 memory foam and the backs have 1/2 regular foam. I ordered from trdsparks....
First pics of passenger seat w/ gray seat cover in bisque interior [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Got the covers yesterday, installed passenger seat today. Will take a week or two to finish the entire car. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]